Te Ka. Te Kā and Te Fiti are polar opposites with differing goals and ideals while Te Fiti wishes to spread life and beauty Te Kā seeks to bring death and corruption purely out of the belief that mankind is undeserving of the gifts brought to them by Te Fiti As it was Maui who was responsible for the theft of Te Fiti's heart (and not mankind as a whole thus making them innocent) Te Kā can be Video Duration 2 min.

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Te Kā Wickedpedia Fandom
BackgroundAppearancesTriviaTe Fiti was the first entity to appear in the world inhabited only by the ocean Te Fiti used her lifegiving heart to spread the gift of life across the world creating multiple islands that would be inhabited by flora fauna and humans Following her vast creation Te Fiti laid herself to rest and formed her body into an island Over the time Te Fiti's heart became a muchdesired treasure Villainous thieves such as the giant crab Tamatoa and bloodthirsty Kakamora pirates all sought the heart for their own nefarious purposes and selfinterests Only the mischievous and highlyregarded Mauiwas daring enough to invade Te Fiti's shores in hopes of giving her heart to mortals as a gift Using his shapeshifting abilities Maui found Te Fiti's spiral and stole the heart As a result of its removal the island fell into darkness and the physical entity of Te Fiti morphed into a negative shell of her former self Te Kā As Maui made a hasty escape on his boat a vengeful Te Kā rose fro Te Fiti is first seen in traditional animation during Gramma Tala's opening story She tells the surrounding children about the day in which Maui stole Te Fiti's heart and warns that it must be restored before humanity faces a slow and painful death at the hands of the lava demon Te Kā Shortly afterward the Ocean selects Tala's granddaughter Moana as the heroine capable of saving the world Years later Moana journeys with Maui to Te Fiti's island which has been covered entirely by molt Other appearances Te Fiti and her alternate forms (herself an island and Te Kā) appear in the As Told by Emoji retelling of Moana Notably the battle between Moana Maui and Te Kā parodied the popular app game Pokémon Go — here called “TeKāmon Go” In the game Pokémon evolve into different Pokémon and as such Te Kā evolved into Te Fiti at the end of the game In earlier versions of the movie the lava antagonist of the film was named “Te Po” and was described as a brutal and villainous land spiritThe way Te Kā crawls toward Moana as she parts the sea is very reminiscent of Ursula from The Little Mermaid as she reclaims ArielBoth Te Fiti and Te Kā are goddesses of the earth albeit in differing ways Te Fiti is a more obvious representation being manifested by lush greens and plant life symbolizing earth's nature On”Te Kā” means “the burning one” in Maori The development name for Te Kā/Te Fiti “Te Po” means “the dark one” in the same language “Kā” is also a possessive particle in most Polynesian languages.
Te Kā Villains Wiki Fandom
OverviewBackgroundPhysical AppearanceTe Kā is the main antagonist in the 2016 Disney animated feature film Moana She is a goddess manifested entirely of fire and magma and is an ancient rival of the demigod Maui Te Kā has dwelled the earth for centuries as a powerful demon of fire and lava She is massive in size towering above all who encounter her and is usually depicted with a hollow scowl Always surrounding her slender form is a dense pyrocumulus cloud coupled with bolts of lightning and volcanic ash She seeks ownership of the Heart of Te Fiti which Maui stole thousands of years in the past resulting in a battle between the two titans that ended in the loss of both the Heart of Te Fiti Te Kā is comprised completely out of lava with molten skin and flames as her hair Her facial features consist of pupilless eyes and mouth that are white in coloration thus giving Te Kā a more menacing scowl Imprinted on Te Kā's chest is a spirallike pattern once the Heart of Te Fiti is implanted on the pattern Te Kā will crumble away to reveal her true form (a towering yet kindhearted greenskinned figure that slightly resembles Moana).
Te Fiti Moana Wikia Fandom
SUBSCRIBE http//tinyurlcom/hfq9jmvIsaac discusses his thoughts on why Te Fiti transforms into Te Ka!SUPPORT ME ON PATREON https//patreoncom/wotsovideos Video Duration 7 minViews 2334KAuthor Isaac Carlson.
In Moana Teka Is Missing The Spiral On Her Chest Moviedetails
Te Fiti Fandom Disney Wiki
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FilmStoryLyricsCharacteristicsQuotesAppearancePowers and abilitiesTe Fiti is a goddess with the power to create life and a major character in Disney's 2016 animated feature film Moana After her heart had been stolen by the demigod Maui she became Te Kā a demon manifested of fire and magma that served as the foremost antagonist of the film A damaged and emotionless shell of her former self Te Kā looks to slowly plunge the world into darkness and eradicate humanity as punishment for Maui's insolence Te Fiti has a pink flower crown around her head Te Fiti was the first entity to appear in the world inhabited only by the ocean As an allpowerful goddess Te Fiti used her lifegiving heart to spread the gift of life across the world creating multiple islands that would be inhabited by flora fauna and humans Following her vast creation Te Fiti laid herself to rest and formed her body into an island Over the time Te Fiti's heart became a muchdesired treasure Villainous thieves such as the giant crab Tamatoa and bloodthirsty Kakamora pirates all sought the heart for their own nefarious purposes and selfinterests Only the mischievous and highlypraised demigod Maui was daring enough to invade Te Fiti's shores in hopes of giving her heart to mortals as a gift Using his shapeshifting abilities Maui found Te Fiti's spiral and stole the heart As a result of its removal the island fell into darkness and the physical entity of Te Fiti morphed into a demonic shell of her former self Te Kā As Maui made a hasty escape on his boat a vengeful Te Kā rose from her cloud and confronted the demigod Their battle resulted in the loss of the heart and as punishment for his crimes Te Kā banished Maui to a desolate spit of land in the middle of the open ocean where he would be doomed to remain stranded for eternity As further punishment Te Kā sentenced the entirety of mankind to death and placed a devastating curse upon the world As the curse slowly spread across the seas food supply flora and fauna were destroyed thus making it impossible for humanity to survive According to legend only the restoration of Te Fiti's heart can save the other corners of the world from falling into darkness as well Te Ka is a mountain of redhot lava and flame surrounded by clouds of scalding steam and ash The molten monster is by far the most dangerous foe Moana and Maui are about to face But face it they must if they are to reach the island of Te Fiti! Peaceful loving Te Fiti is the mother island who generously gives life to the sea and the other islands She is part island and part spirit of life When Te Fiti is happy all is well! Te Kā is quite literally a heartless creature with a fiery deposition The theft of her heart has stripped her of Te Fiti's benevolence replacing it with malice aimed at both Maui and the world at large Te Kā and Te Fiti are polar opposites with differing goals and ideals while Te Fiti wishes to spread life and beauty Te Kā seeks to bring death and corruption purely out of the belief that mankind is undeserving of the gifts that were previously brought to them by Te Fiti As it was Maui who was responsible for the theft of Te Fiti's heart (and not mankind as a whole thus making them innocent) Te Kā can be painted as a vindictive and arguably purely evil entity Despite this Te Fiti's purity lies deep within Te Kā Should someone call to it as Moana did during the climax she will slowly ease her tension and succumb to her inner gentle nature Te Fiti as well as her Te Kā aspect is an enormous embodiment of the earth but her appearance differs between the two forms The colossal Te Fiti takes the form of a feminine figure with a human face not unlike Moana's Her body is covered in lush flora and trees clusters of flowers adorn her grassy hair similar to a headdress She can also assume an island form when dormant when this happens she assumes a resting position Massive in size Te Kā towers above all who encounter her and is usually depicted with a hollow scowl She is comprised completely out of lava with molten skin and flames as her hair Always surrounding her slender form is a dense pyrocumulus cloud coupled with bolts of lightning and volcanic ash On her chest is a spiral carving of where her heart once was should it be reattached Te Kā will return to her true form Te Fiti is first seen in traditional animation during Gramma Tala's opening story She tells the surrounding children about the day in which Maui stole Te Fiti's heart and warns that it must be restored before humanity faces a slow and painful death at the hands of the lava demon Te Kā Shortly afterward the Ocean selects Tala's granddaughter Moana as the heroine capable of saving the world Years later Moana journeys with Maui to Te Fiti's island which has been covered entirely by molten rock Te Kā acts as a demonic guardian and prevents anyone from approaching Te Fiti's shores Fortunately Moana manages to do so but she finds that Te Fiti is nowhere to be found She looks to Te Kā and notices a spiral on the lava goddess' chest indicating that she is actually Te Fiti Moana sings \\”Know Who You Are\\” to Te Kā which in turn reforms the beast as she succumbs to Moana Moana gently rests her forehead on the bridge of Te Kā's face before placing the heart back into her chest Te Fiti's power lies in her ability to generate life around her and her control over it as a goddess of life A living island she can grow plants of all sizes and can manipulate the terrain around her body She could also rejuvenate the plant life in islands Te Kā's curse had once affected due to her intimate connection with them Because of her godly status she was also able to create and recreate items previously destroyed such as Moana's boat and Maui's fish hook (which itself was a weapon forged by the gods) As Te Kā most of her abilities are derived from her elemental control over fire lava and magma With these assets she can create fireballs and turn matter into molten rock Aside from water which can temporarily turn her lava form into molten rock Te Kā does not appear to have any true weaknesses The only way to truly \\”defeat\\” her is to subdue her long enough to return Te Fiti's heart to its rightful place This will inevitably obliterate the being known as Te Kā and revive her true identity She is also extremely power in her strengthso much so that she overpowers the capacity of a demigod though one can pose as a decent adversary for a period of time Designer Ryan LangInspiration Pele The Goddess from Hawaiian Mythology.