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Sangat or sanggat refers to association and may mean assembly collection company fellowship congregation meeting meeting place union or marital union Sangat is derived from the root word sangmeaning association or to accompany travelers on pilgrimage ThPhonetics Grammar Spelling and PronunciationSangat in SikhismExamplesGurmukhi is a phonetic script English transliterations may varySimple spellings are commonly used rather than longer phonetic spellings Grammar usage can also effect spelling Spelling and Pronunciation Sangat is the most common spelling but may also be phonetically spelled as san.
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Guruji With Sangat Bade Mandir Videos 2007 New Year Video 1 Video 2 Audios Hymns sung for Guruji shabads 1 Near You 1 2 3 About GURUJI Guruji is the “light divine” that came on earth to bless and enlighten humanity SATSANG OF THE WEEK It is not within my capacity or competence to put into words the supremacy of my Guru READ MORE GET CONNECTED FIND.
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Sangat Karugi Insaaf (the people will do justice) — this seems to be the refrain in Punjab after two people were lynched to death in as many days following sacrilege attempts at the Golden Temple in Amritsar and a gurdwara in Kapurthala underlining how the issue of sacrilege remains the biggest emotive issue in the pollbound state.
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BackgroundHighest MeritWhat Does Gurbani Say?Sangat Promotes Positive ValuesSangat Played An Important Role in HistoryCommentsBibliographySangat fellowship of the holy is thus applauded as a means of moral and spiritual uplift it is as well a social unit which inculcates values of brotherhood equality and seva Sangats sprang up in the wake of Guru Nanak’s extensive travels Group of disciples formed in different places and met together in sangat to recite his hymns As an institution sangat had with its concomitants dhara.