Pt Darya Varia Plant Citeureup. PDF fileThe DaryaVaria Plant in Gunung Putri Bogor specializes in manufacturing soft gelatin capsules liquid products medicated plasters lotions and creams while the Plant in Citeureup Bogor specializes in the manufacturing sterile injections and solids The Company also toll manufactures with its affiliate company PT Medifarma Laboratories at.

Grocery Donation to Posyandu Cadres in Citeureup 27 Nov 2020 DaryaVaria through Plant Citeureup donated grocery and poster of Covid19 prevention to posyandu cadres For a Healthier Indonesia PT DaryaVaria Laboratoria Tbk South Quarter Tower C 18th 19th Floor Jl RA Kartini Kav8 Jakarta 12430 Indonesia.
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PT DaryaVaria Laboratoria Tbk merupakan perusahaan yang terletak di Gunung Putri dan Citeureup Bogor Kali ini admin kasih info lowongan kerja di PT DaryaVaria Laboratoria Tbk Bogor bagi kalian yang tertarik dan membutuhkan informasi lowongan PT DaryaVaria Laboratoria Tbk 2020 ini pastinya akan bermanfaat bagi anda yang belum mendapatkan.
PT Darya Varia LaboratoriaBidang UsahaFarmasi
PT DaryaVaria Laboratoria Tbk (“DaryaVaria” or “the Company”) is a domestic investment pharmaceutical company established in 1976 In November 1994 DaryaVaria listed its shares on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) with the stock ticker code of DVLA In 1995 DaryaVaria acquired PT Pradja Pharin (Prafa) and became the parent entity to continue expanding into the.
PT.DaryaVaria Laboratoria Tbk. Plant Citeureup 2 tips
Darya Varia For a Healthier Indonesia About Us For 45 years DaryaVaria has continued to develop a strong brand and quality products that are trusted and wellknown in Indonesia Read More Latest News 27 Dec 2021 DaryaVaria Invites Mothers in Cibatok 2 to Support Children’s Development Read More 20 Dec 2021.
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The DaryaVaria Plant in Gunung Putri specializes in manufacturing soft gelatin capsules and liquid products while the DaryaVaria Plant in Citeureup concentrates on the manufacturing of sterile injections and solids The Company also toll manufactures with its affiliate PT Medifarma Laboratories at Cimanggis Plant Depok.