Pmb Uma. kuala lumpur (sept 21) pmb technology bhd which was issued an unusual market activity (uma) query by the bourse earlier today after its share price continued to climb from yesterday’s alltime high pointed to the rise in metallic silicon prices as well as its potential plan to expand the production of its plant in sarawak as possible reasons.
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(March 2014) PMB is a fully featured open source integrated library system It is continuously developed and maintained by the French company PMB Services Contents 1 Features 11 Size 12 Interoperability 13 Units/Modules 2 Requirements 3 Documentary languages 4 Users 5 History 6 Development 7 See also 8 Notes 9 References 10 External linksMissing umaMust include.
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PMB slapped with UMA query as share price scales new highs By theedgemarketscom | 1m KUALA LUMPUR (Sept 21) Bursa Malaysia Securities Bhd has issued an unusual market activity (UMA) query to PMB Technology Bhd following a sharp rise in the latter’s share price and trading volume In a filing the bourse requested for the aluminium facade services provider to respond.
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UMA query as PMB slapped with new highs share price scales
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Ketua Panitia PMB UMA Abdul Karim SSi MSi saat memberikan sambutan pada Launching PMB UMA 2021/2022 Berdasarkan informasi dan pendaftaran dilakukan secara online di website PMB Online http//wwwpmbumaacid Pendaftaran telah dimulai Maret hingga September tahun 2021.