Pantone 647 C. #236192 color name is Pantone 647 C Color | #236192 RGB Colors An RGB color value is specified with rgb(red green blue) Each parameter (red green and blue) defines the intensity of the color and can be an integer between 0 and 255 or a percentage value (from 0% to 100%) Red value of its RGB is 35 Green value is 97 and blue value is 146 RGBA Colors alpha The rgba().

PMS 647 C This page shows PMS color 647 C This color appears in the category 6 series part of the collection Coated Important on computer screens PMS colors do not appear completely authentic Use the color impression on this page as a reference only Color sample Press the color sample below to enlarge this color HEX code #236192 RGB code Red 35 (14%) Green.
Pantone 647 C Color Hex color Code #236192 …
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PDF filePantone 147 C Quadri C15% M60% J 100% Pantone 647 C Quadri C100% M60% J20% REFERENCE 2X Dilution 4X Dilution 8X Dilution Comparison Chart Hue Index s* is one way to objectively measure the “redness” of each SETHNESS ROQUETTE product While the absolute values of each Hue Indexs are meaningful the relative values are more relevant The higher.
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The Minnesota Timberwolves NBA team Pantone colors are PMS 289 C for midnight blue PMS 647 C for lake blue PMS 422 C for moonlight grey and PMS 368 C for aurora green The midnight blue Pantone color of the Minnesota Timberwolves can be found below PMS 289 C The lake blue Pantone color of the Minnesota Timberwolves can be found below PMS.
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PMS 647 C (Coated)
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Pantone 647 Cp color Code #0d5b90 Color Hex …
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Pantone 647C BLUE RANGE
What is the color code for Pantone 647 C
Pantone 647 C Comparison Chart
Pantone / PMS 647 C / #236192 Hex Color Code, RGB and Paints
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RAL to Pantone Conversion
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Pantone / PMS 647 / #265787 Hex Color Code, RGB and Paints
Pantone 647 C Color Hex color Code #236192 …
647 C What is the color of Pantone
The following list contains the conversion results of color Pantone 647 U to RGB hexadecimal HSL HSV Lab and XYZ colorspaces each format represents the same color rgb(95 122 163) #5f7aa3 hsl(2162 27% 506%) hsv(2162 417% 639%) lab(507 12 25) xyz(183 19 374) The hexadecimal RGB and HSL values can be used in CSS files to define colors of different.