Metal Detector Module. This metal detector comes with the standard 11″ DD coil With 4 modes including All Metal Park Field and Beach the Simplex+ is ready to go for the beginner detectorist and find some great relics or jewelry You can also pick up the 95″ x 5″ SP24 search coil so you can maneuver around trashy beaches and cherry pick those treasures out of the.

The 2500 metal detector is more than just tones and numbers on a screen it actually allows you to “see” underneath the surface The graphic imaging display reveals the target’s true depth and actual size instead of just the target depth and type of metal This technology optimizes treasure signals for larger targets and shows you the true target size As you are analyzing treasure.
Midas® Gas Detector Honeywell
Compact in size with an easytohandle metal chassis the Midas Gas Detector is simple to install That’s especially important in crowded complex process environments where space is at a premium Numerous applications With featurerich capabilities that are easy to use the Midas Gas Detector is suitable for many industry applications including semiconductor processing.
Metal Detector Sensor Module Pixel Electric Co Ltd
Garrett GTI 2500 Pro Package Metal Detector with Eagle Eye
Nokta Makro Simplex+ Metal Detector with Wireless
Minelab Vanquish 440 Metal Detector Canadian Tire
Minelab Vanquish 440 Metal Detector can be used to find precious metal deposits or lost jewelry Features a digital LCD display with 5 detection modes to accurately identify hidden items 10” (254 cm) waterproof V10 coil for shallow water detections MultiIQ technology provides allterrain performance including on the beach Can be used on wet sandy or tough areas for.