Meat Shop Kelapa Gading. Shabushabu is a Japanese cooking style where dinners cook thin slices of meat quickly in boiling broth and then dip them in sauce Shabushabu originated in China where lamb was the meat of choice It has become widely known in Japan since 1952 when a butcher shop in Osaka used beef which many Japanese prefer “Shabushabu” was named for the sound produced by the broth.
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SHABURI|Japanese Shabu Restaurant in Jakarta
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Fakultas Bisnis > Program Studi Akuntansi Abigail Alicia (2017) Pengaruh opini audit tahun sebelumnya ukuran kap ukuran perusahaan pergantian dewan komisaris dan financial distress terhadap voluntary auditor switching (studi pada perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di bei periode 2013 2015) Bachelor Thesis thesis Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.