Lentera Harapan. Sekolah Lentera Indonesia (SLI) is an expanding Christian school committed to the highest standards of academic excellence and character building where students are educated for lives of purpose service and leadership Learn more Admission Academics Apply Now School News December 2 2021December 2 2021 Academy / Events SLI – SJA Academic.

Sekolah Lentera Harapan Palopo is one of the schools under Pelita Harapan Foundation and is located in Palopo South Sulawesi Sekolah Lentera Harapan Palopo also known as SLH Palopo was established in July 2013 This school was formerly known as SD SMP SMA Kristen Palopo and is still managed by YPKT (Yayasan Perguruan Kristen Toraja).
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TAMAN KANAK KANAK LENTERA HARAPAN Kota Medan merupakan salah satu pilihan sekolah tk yang ada di Kota Medan Jika pada keterangan yang lebih detail sekolah ini memiliki alamat di JlMustika No37 Medan B A N T A N Kec Medan Tembung Kota Medan Prov Sumatera Utara Pembelajaran pada tk swasta ini dilakukan selama 6 hari yakni pada hari.
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SLK Bali/Sekolah Lentera Kasih seeks to provide a nurturing and challenging environment for our nation’s future leaders We strive to develop and provide a constantly growing educational program dedicated to academic excellence and character building We believe that every student is a unique and valuable individual who deserves the best.