Dental Care Makassar. PDF fileMakassar Indonesia Email abraf23@yahoocom ABSTRACT Fear of dental and oral care especially in dental fillings is the biggest barrier to the dentist in making optimal care In the world the prevalence of fear of dental and oral care reach 615% of the entire population but it is quite varied in different parts of the world and in different sample populations The purpose of.
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Makassar Dental Care Makassar Dental Care merupakan klinik dokter gigi di Makassar yang telah berdiri sejak tahun 1991 Pada awalnya klinik ini merupakan sebuah klinik dokter gigi yang kecil namun seiring berjalannya waktu kemudian berkembang menjadi klinik yang besar seperti sekarang Baca Juga 10 Dokter Gigi di Jogja Ini juga tidak lepas dari kerja keras para tim.
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Makassar Dental Care is an established dental clinic that has been trusted to provide highquality dental services for the past 30 years in Makassar Taking advantage of the latest dental technology performed by experienced dentists we aim to deliver the best overall dental care for your needs Meet Our Team Meet the experts behind your smile.
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PDF fileservices in Regional Public Hospital in Makassar based on educational background lifestyle oral health perception and oral health behavior This research used observationalanalytic with crosssectional study design 626 patients that came to the hospital for dental treatment during October 2017 till February 2018 with the age criteria of 20 years and above were included in this study.
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Dental treatment of Down Syndrome children Makassar
Dental Treatment Payment System in Regional Public
Diamond Dental Care Dentist’s Office
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Down syndrome children have mental and physical limitations that have implications for dental treatment that requires modification of treatment approach different with normal children and emphasis on preventive care This case report describes behavioural management in preventive and curative in DS children An 8yearold female patient came with her mother to De.